When working to create a regional climate plan, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus noticed that residential buildings were a significant contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The Caucus thought that it was time to look at the residential sector and see what could be done to reduce emissions and what role municipalities could play.
Another reason for the project is to assist with the energy burden that some households face, which has been made worse during the pandemic. Energy burden is the percentage of household income spent on energy costs. Home energy costs that are under 6% of gross household income are considered “affordable” by researchers. Households that are paying more than 6% of their income on energy costs face a “high energy burden” and those paying more than 10% are dealing with a “severe energy burden,” according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE). Low-income families in Illinois face a severe energy burden because they spend an average of 13% of their income on energy costs, according to Elevate. A household that is energy burdened may need to decide whether to pay for their utility bills or buy medicine and other necessities, which can result in serious consequences.
In addition to reducing GHG emissions and alleviating the energy burden for households, the project is aligned with the Greenest Region Compact (GRC) goal to “engage the community in clean energy practices” and the following two GRC objectives:
- E30: Partner with utilities to promote energy efficiency programs to the community
- E33: Collaborate to educate the community about clean energy options
Caucus staff decided that connecting residents to existing energy programs would provide a benefit to residents at no cost to the municipalities. By providing information and communications materials on various programs, the Caucus aims to:
- Spread awareness about energy efficiency, emergency assistance programs, and renewable energy
- Increase the region’s energy literacy
- Help residents, especially low-income residents and older adults, who may have a higher energy burden
Please share the below information with your residents through your community’s various communications channels. Please note that the program categories are designated with the following symbols:
Energy efficiency program
Emergency assistance program
Renewable energy program
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) assists residents in paying for home energy bills, primarily heating during the winter. If eligible, a payment will be sent directly to the utility on behalf of a household. If a household’s combined gross income is at or below 200% of the federal poverty level for the 30 days prior to the application, the household may be eligible for assistance. For renters, if heat and/or electric is included in rent, then the rent must be greater than 30% of a resident’s income to be eligible for LIHEAP assistance. The application period is from Oct. 1, 2024, through August 15, 2025, or until funds are exhausted.
The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO) administers the LIHEAP program. Residents can apply for LIHEAP by contacting their local community action agency (CAA) or administering agency, based on their county. Contacting the CAA directly is the fastest method. Another way to apply is by filling out a pre-application at HelpIllinoisFamilies.com and waiting for a call back from a local agency. If a resident is considering LIHEAP, it is recommended to apply because being eligible for LIHEAP can be an indication that an individual is eligible for other income-qualified programs. Income-eligible undocumented workers may also apply for LIHEAP.
When applying to LIHEAP, a newer feature is that residents will also be applying to the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) at the same time. Residents will qualify for LIHWAP assistance with water and wastewater bills if their household is disconnected, in threat of disconnection or if they are more than $50 in arrears on their current bill.
For more information, contact your local CAA or call the LIHEAP Hotline at 1-877-411-WARM (9276).
Communications materials:
Sample Newsletter Articles
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Messages
Sample Website Text
Sample Visual
Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP)
The Illinois Home Weatherization Assistance Program (IHWAP) helps low-income residents reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy-efficient. If a household is income-eligible, an energy assessor will record information about the home and then use a computerized energy audit program to determine which weatherization measures should be prioritized. Contractors will be paid with IHWAP funds to complete the most cost-effective weatherization work, as well as health and safety measures. Some of the IHWAP services include air sealing, attic and wall insulation, HVAC repair or replacement, water heater repair or replacement, electric base load reduction (lighting and refrigerator replacement), and ventilation and moisture control measures.
Residents can apply if their annual income is at or below 200% of the poverty level. To apply, contact the community action agency or local administering agency in your area, based on your county.
Communications materials:
Sample Newsletter Article
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Messages
Sample Website Text
Sample Visual
ComEd Advanced Power Strip Discount
Advanced power strips (also called smart power strips) are an inexpensive way to help you save energy and money. Some of your electronic devices that are plugged in may continue to draw power, even when they’re not in use. These devices are known as “energy vampires” and include TVs, computers, phone chargers, video game consoles, and more. Advanced power strips make it easy to save energy because they automatically cut off power when the devices are not in use.
ComEd is offering instant discounts of up to $12 on advanced power strips, which can be purchased through the ComEd Marketplace or at select Family Dollar and Dollar Tree stores. For more information, go to the ComEd Home Products Discounts webpage.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Images
Video with instructions on using an advanced power strip – from ComEd and Simply Conserve brand
Nicor Gas Air Sealing, Insulation, and Duct Sealing Rebates in 2024
Did you know that 9 out of 10 homes in the U.S. are under-insulated, according to ENERGY STAR? Insulation helps keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer. The EPA estimates that homeowners can save 15% on heating and cooling costs by completing air sealing and insulation projects in attics, floors over crawl spaces, and accessible basement rim joists. Sealing leaks and adding insulation also provide other benefits, including reduced noise from outside, lower chance for ice dams on the roof, and less pollen, dust, and insects (or pests) entering your home, ENERGY STAR states on its website.
Nicor Gas is providing rebates to residents who make energy-efficient upgrades to their homes in 2024. For each home, Nicor Gas offers rebates of $500 for air sealing, $400 for attic insulation, $600 for duct sealing, and $150-$350 for wall insulation. For these air sealing, insulation, and duct sealing projects, the work must be performed by a Nicor Gas-approved contractor. The contractor will apply the instant rebate to the customer’s invoice.
For more information, go to the Nicor Gas Rebates webpage or call Nicor Gas at 877-886-4239.
Communications materials:
Sample Newsletter Articles
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Messages
Sample Website Text
Sample Images, GIFs, and Videos
ENERGY STAR Flyer on Air Sealing and Insulation

Residents can receive a $50 rebate when purchasing an ENERGY STAR air purifier.
ComEd ENERGY STAR Appliance Rebates and Discounts in 2024
ENERGY STAR certified appliances meet strict energy-efficiency specifications, which can help you save money and energy over the life of the appliance, without sacrificing performance. Using ENERGY STAR appliances will help you to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions and protect the planet.
Residents who purchase the following ENERGY STAR appliances through Dec. 31, 2024, can receive rebates from ComEd, including a $50 rebate for air purifiers and refrigerators (≥ 7.75 cubic feet), a $45 rebate for dehumidifiers (stand-alone units only), a $40 rebate for clothes washers and electric clothes dryers (≥ 4.4 cubic feet), a $200 rebate for heat pump clothes dryers (≥ 4.4 cubic feet), a $100 rebate for induction cooktops, and a $25 rebate for ventilation fans and water dispensers. Rebate applications must be submitted within 60 days of the purchase or by Feb. 28, 2025, whichever comes first. Instant rebate coupons are also available for use at a few participating stores. In addition, the ComEd Marketplace and a few select stores offer instant discounts that do not require a coupon for some of the products. For more details on the appliance rebates or to apply, please go to the ComEd Appliance Rebates webpage or call 855-433-2700 with questions.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Website Text
Sample Images and Video
Flyer on ENERGY STAR clothes washers and dryer
ComEd Heating and Cooling Discounts 2024
According to Energy Star, on average, a typical household spends around $1,900 on their energy bill annually. Almost half of these costs are from heating and cooling. To help lower energy costs, ComEd offers heating and cooling discounts. To qualify for a rebate, the equipment must comply with the standards from the Air Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute (AHRI). Additionally, you may be eligible for a federal tax credit up to $2,000 if your equipment is installed after January 1st, 2023. Heating and Cooling Products must be installed by a ComEd Energy Efficiency Contractor. You cannot receive the discount from self-installed products.
Below are the discounts and rebates that ComEd offers on Heat Pumps:
- Air Source and Centrally Ducted Mini-Split Pumps: receive discounts up to $1,400. Minimum efficiency Requirement: ≥ 15.2 SEER2, ≥ 9.4 EER2 and ≥ 8.1 HSPF2. On average, air air source pump can reduce your energy consumption from heating by 30-40%.
- Ductless and Mixed Use Mini-Split Heat Pumps: Discounts up to $1,000. This type of product uses a compressor pump to circulate refrigerant liquids between two exchanger coils.
- Geothermal (ground source) heat pump system (including loop): Discounts up to $6,000/home. This product is the most cost-effective and environmentally friendly product option as the product uses underground temperatures to provide year round heating and cooling. This product requires pre-approval for installation.
- Geothermal (ground source) Heat Pump Indoor Unit Replacement: Discounts up to $800 on ≥ 17 EER, $1,200 on ≥ 20 EER. This discount includes a replacement of your furnace, heat pump, or existing heating system, a retrofit of existing geothermal pump, or a replacement of an indoor heating pump. Pre-approval is required for installation.
For more information, visit ComEd’s website, or call 855-433-4700.
Flyer on Overview of ComEd’s Heating and Cooling Offering
ComEd Smart Thermostat Rebates in 2024
The average household spends about half of its energy bill on heating and cooling, according to ENERGY STAR. An ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostat can help you save money and energy, while keeping your home comfortable.
Smart thermostats connect to a home’s Wi-Fi and allow you to control the temperature from web-enabled devices, whether you’re at home or away. The thermostats learn the temperatures that you like and establish a schedule that automatically adjusts to energy-saving temperatures when you are asleep or not at home. Residents who buy and install an ENERGY STAR smart thermostat in 2024 can receive a $75 rebate from ComEd. There are a few ways to receive the rebate:
- Purchase a discounted smart thermostat at the ComEd Marketplace.
- Use an instant coupon at participating retailers.
- Buy a smart thermostat, install it, register it with the manufacturer by Dec. 31, 2024, and fill out the rebate application (online or PDF) within 60 days of purchase or by Feb. 28, 2025, whichever comes first.
Income-eligible residents may want to consider scheduling a free in-home energy assessment through ComEd to have a free smart thermostat installed.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Social Media Images
Flyer on ENERGY STAR smart thermostats
Free Home Energy Assessments
ComEd, Nicor Gas, Peoples Gas, and North Shore Gas are partnering with the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to offer free in-person or virtual home energy savings assessments for single-family homes, two-flats, condos, townhomes, and mobile homes. Renters in these building types are eligible, with permission from their landlord. Multi-family building energy assessments for landlords or property managers are also available.
The assessment includes a free inspection to determine energy-saving opportunities, a personalized assessment report, and free energy-saving products. The free products include ENERGY STAR certified LED bulbs, WaterSense energy-efficient showerheads and aerators, hot water pipe insulation, programmable and ENERGY STAR certified smart thermostats, advanced power strips, door sweeps, and more.
Income-eligible customers can receive a free in-home assessment and may qualify for free weatherization improvements. Non-income eligible customers will be able to conduct an online self-assessment and have products mailed to them.
To schedule a home energy assessment, go to: eesavings.com/mmc or call 312-201-4507.
Communications materials:
Sample Newsletter Articles
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Messages
Sample Website Text
Sample Image
Program Flyer – English
Program Flyer – Spanish
Nicor Gas Equipment Rebates in 2024
Residents who purchase and install certain energy-efficient gas furnaces, boilers, combination boilers, tankless water heaters or smart thermostats in 2024 may be eligible for a Nicor Gas rebate.
- Furnaces: For furnaces with an Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE) of 97% or above, a $225 rebate is available. If the AFUE is 95% or above, a $150 rebate is offered.
- Smart thermostats: A $25 rebate is available for ENERGY STAR® certified smart thermostats.
- New in 2023 – Furnace and smart thermostat bundle: Receive an additional $25 in savings when you bundle your furnace and smart thermostat installation. A rebate of $275 is available for installing a ≥ 97% AFUE furnace and smart thermostat and submitting this information on the same rebate application. A rebate of $200 is offered for installing a ≥ 95% AFUE furnace and smart thermostat.
- Boilers: For residential-sized boilers with an input capacity of less than 300 MBTUH (Thousand British Thermal Units per Hour), a $350 rebate is offered if the AFUE is 95% or above.
- Combination boilers (space heating and integrated domestic hot water boiler): A $500 rebate is offered for residential-sized combination boilers with an input capacity of less than 300 MBTUH and minimum efficiency of 95% AFUE.
- Tankless water heaters: Nicor Gas offers $150 rebates for residential gas tankless water heaters ≤ 75 MBTUH and an efficiency rating of UEF (Uniform Energy Factor) ≥ .87.
A professional contractor must install the product(s), unless otherwise noted in the Nicor Gas rebate application. Rebate applications (online or PDF) must be submitted within 90 days of installation or by Jan. 31, 2025, whichever comes first. For more details or to apply for a rebate, go to the Nicor Gas Rebates webpage or call Nicor Gas at 877-886-4239.
ComEd Lighting Discounts
ComEd offers in-store discounts on select ENERGY STAR certified LEDs (limit 24 per customer) and LED fixtures (limit six). To save on a variety of energy-efficient products, look for the ComEd “Lower Price” sticker at these participating retail stores. Instant discounts are also available online at ComEd Marketplace.
When choosing LED light bulbs, you may want to purchase products that are ENERGY STAR certified because ENERGY STAR light bulbs have been tested for quality and efficiency by a third party. Other factors to consider include the following:
- When looking for an LED bulb that is comparable in brightness and warmth to an incandescent bulb, choose 2700 Kelvin (K).
- For enclosed light fixtures, choose an LED with packaging that states it is suitable for use in enclosed fixtures.
- For recessed can lighting, use either an LED reflector bulb or an LED trim kit.
- LED lights can also be used outside, regardless of cold weather. When choosing outdoor lights, consider using dark-sky friendly lighting and fixtures to reduce light pollution and avoid using more energy than necessary. Bright outdoor artificial lighting, particularly blue light, can negatively affect human health and harm pollinators, birds and other animals (Preserving dark skies is objective SC32 in the Greenest Region Compact Framework document.)
For more information about energy-efficient lighting options, visit ComEd’s Lighting Discounts webpage or ENERGY STAR.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
ComEd Hourly Pricing

Graphic courtesy of the Citizens Utility Board (CUB)
Enroll in ComEd’s Hourly Pricing program to pay a rate based on hourly market prices for electricity rather than a fixed electric rate. This program can be particularly good for those who pay more than $50 for their monthly electric bill, heat their homes with electricity, charge their electric vehicle at home, or are able to shift their electricity use to off-peak times. Hourly pricing also helps decrease a household’s carbon footprint and reduces stress on the power distribution system during peak times. Additionally, the program offers a personalized online account to track energy savings.
For more details, visit ComEd’s Hourly Pricing webpage. To enroll, apply online or call 1-888-202-7787 to speak with a rate specialist.
Communications materials:
Sample Newsletter Articles
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Messages
Sample Website Text
Sample Graphic
ComEd Hourly Pricing Video
Nicor Gas Energy Aide Program
The Nicor Gas Energy Aide Program offers income-eligible customers an Energy Aide Grant of up to $250 toward their past due balance. To receive the funds, residents’ income must be at or below 350% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL). An income eligibility chart can be found at the Nicor Gas Energy Aide Program webpage. Customers who previously received LIHEAP, PIPP or Nicor Sharing funds are eligible.
The program is administered by select local agencies, which are listed on the bottom of the Energy Aide Program webpage. Please contact your local agency for more details or to apply.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Nicor Gas Free Water-Saving and Weatherization Kits
Nicor Gas customers can receive a free water-saving kit or a free weatherization kit by ordering online. The free water-saving kit includes 1 or 2 high-efficiency showerheads, 1 or 2 bathroom faucet aerators, 1 dual-spray kitchen faucet aerator, a shower timer, and plumber’s tape. The weatherization kit includes a 12-pack of outlet and switch foam gasket, a 17′ roll of closed-cell foam tape weatherstripping, a 17′ roll of V-seal type weatherstripping, a self-adhesive door sweep, and a 30′ roll of rope caulk. Nicor Gas customers can order one water-saving kit and up to two weatherization kits.
For more information or to order a kit, go to the Nicor Gas Free Products and Services webpage.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Messages
Sample Website Text
Sample Images
Nicor Gas Sharing Program
The Nicor Gas Sharing Program offers residential customers one-time annual grants of up to $400, based on the account balance. Grants are applied directly to the customer’s Nicor Gas account. The Salvation Army administers the program and determines eligibility. To apply, Nicor Gas customers must have an annual gross income between 201% and 300% of the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) and be ineligible for state or federal energy assistance.
For veterans, the guidelines vary slightly. The maximum grant amount for veterans is $150 for those with an income up to 300% of the FPL.
Residents must apply in person at their local Salvation Army office. Please call your local office to make an appointment and find out what paperwork to bring. For more information, visit the Nicor Gas Sharing Program webpage.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Visual
ComEd AC Tune-Up Discounts
Heating and cooling costs account for about half of your energy bills, according to ENERGY STAR. To ensure your system is operating efficiently and optimally, which can help you save on energy costs and promote a longer lifespan of your equipment, perform routine maintenance. Change air filters regularly and schedule a cooling system tune-up in the spring. ComEd offers $35 discounts on AC tune-ups and $100 discounts on air source heat pump tune-ups if service is completed by a contractor enrolled in the ComEd Energy Efficiency Service Providers (EESP) network. For more information on the discounts, go to the ComEd Home Heating & Cooling Discounts webpage.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Messages
Sample Image
ComEd Peak Time Savings Program
Residents may be able to earn credits on their electric bill this summer by enrolling in ComEd’s Peak Time Savings program and reducing energy usage on a few hot summer days. The ComEd Peak Time Savings free program runs from May 1 to October 31 each year. ComEd will announce Peak Time Savings Hours when energy is most in demand. Residents who are able to reduce their energy usage below their recent average use during Peak Time Savings Hours will earn electric bill credits. There is no penalty for not participating in an event.
The Peak Time Savings events tend to occur between 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on one to two days during the summer. Announcements about the Peak Time Savings Hours occur the morning of the event through a phone call, a text message or an email, depending on a resident’s preference.
For more information or to enroll, go to ComEd’s Peak Time Savings webpage or call 844-852-0347 with any questions.
Communications materials:
Sample Newsletter Article
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Message
Sample Website Text
Sample Image
ComEd Central AC Cycling
For homeowners with central air conditioning, enrolling in ComEd’s Central Air Conditioning Cycling Program could save them up to $40 each year. After signing up, ComEd will install a direct load control switch on the side of a home or on the air conditioner’s compressor panel, which allows the utility to cycle the AC compressor on the hottest days of the summer. During a cycling event, the air conditioner will use less energy. The air conditioner’s fan may remain on to circulate cool air and keep the household comfortable. The cycling will only be done when needed between May 1 and October 31. On average, ComEd has cycled participants’ central air conditioning units once each summer during the last 10 years.
ComEd customers may choose to participate in ComEd’s Central AC Cycling or the Peak Time Savings program, but they cannot join both programs at the same time.
For more information or to enroll, go to ComEd’s Central AC Cycling webpage or call 800-986-0070.
Communications materials:
Sample Newsletter Article
Sample Social Media Posts
Sample Water Bill Message
Sample Website Text
ComEd Pool Pump Rebates
ComEd is offering rebates for purchasing and installing ENERGY STAR certified pool pumps. For ENERGY STAR above-ground pool pumps, a $100 rebate is available, and for in-ground pool pumps, $300 is offered to help residents save money and energy. Rebates are not available for single-speed and two-speed pool pumps.
To be eligible for the ComEd rebate, the pool pump must be purchased and installed before Dec. 31, 2021. To apply, complete the Pool Pump Rebate Application (PDF) and submit it by email or mail. You may also apply for the rebate online. Rebate applications are due within 60 days of purchase or by Feb. 28, 2022, whichever comes first. For questions, call ComEd at 855-433-2700.
Communications materials:
Sample Social Media Posts
Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Virtual Utility Bill Clinics
If your community is interested in setting up a virtual utility bill clinic to help your residents save money, then email ubc@citizensutilityboard.org a copy of your most up to date bills. After a CUB Specialist has reviewed your bills, they will let residents know about energy efficiency or financial assistance programs either via email phone/videoconference call.
With directions on how to submit your bills, watch this video.

The CS² program gives residents the option to support community solar developments in northern Illinois, such as this project in Cortland, Illinois.
Community Solar Clearinghouse Solution Program (CS² Program)
One way to help your residents and small businesses save money on their electric bills is through our Community Solar Clearinghouse Solution (CS²) Program. The CS² program gives residents the option to support community solar developments in northern Illinois. By subscribing, residents and small businesses are guaranteed 10% savings of the community solar credits they receive on their bill. Participants can support solar power without installing their own rooftop panels. The Caucus’ program does not require any actions on behalf of all residents, and the CS² program is compatible with existing aggregation programs.
Nicor Gas Shield of Caring Program
The Nicor Gas Shield of Caring Program provides emergency assistance to residents who are past-due on their Nicor Gas bill and have experienced a financial hardship, such as job loss, illness, military deployment, disability or another circumstance. Residents whose household gross income is below 400% of the Federal Poverty Line can receive up to $250 are available for past-due account balances. The program also provides other support, such as housing, rental and grocery assistance.
Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) Program
The Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP) program is accepting new applications during the period of Oct. 1, 2024, through August 15, 2025, or until funding is exhausted. Residents who are at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level are eligible to apply.
The PIPP program is a benefit choice within the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). If a resident chooses PIPP over the regular LIHEAP program, they will be enrolled in a budget billing plan. The State pays a portion of the monthly budget bill, the resident is required to pay the rest, and the overdue payments are reduced for each on-time payment that is made. Annual recertification is required.
About the Caucus’ Energy Efficiency Efforts
In 2020 and 2021, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus received grant funds from the Illinois Science & Energy Innovation Foundation (ISEIF) to promote energy literacy in the region. With the funds, the Caucus is assisting municipalities in helping residents to save energy and money.