The Caucus celebrated 23 Illinois communities that were designated SolSmart on May 9th at Argonne National Laboratory.If your community is interested in being a part of the Caucus’ 2021 SolSmart cohort, please provide a letter indicating your intent to earn the SolSmart designation. You may use the template letter below, which aligns with the goals of the Greenest Region Compact that your community already adopted.

If the Mayors Caucus is awarded a contract to serve as SolSmart Advisor to your community and others in the cohort, then the Caucus will offer templates, resources, staff training and ongoing assistance over a six-month period.

SolSmart Solar Statement – Template Letter for GRC Communities

If your community has not yet adopted the GRC, but you plan to do so before Dec. 1, 2021, then please use the template letter found here.