A New Guidebook to Help Households with Age Friendly and Accessible Home Remodels is Now Available

The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, AARP Illinois, and the Universal Design Institute have partnered to create a guidebook that provides many ideas for remodeling homes to make them more age friendly and accessible. Recently completed with support from AARP Illinois and grounded on input from the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus’ Housing and Community Development Committee, the Accessible and Universal Home Remodeling guidebook offers visual design examples for home entrances, kitchens, bathrooms, and more; provides helpful advice in estimating costs and selecting contractors; and points to more resources for continued education. The guidebook was created to help residents know where to begin this important, yet often complicated, process of modifying their homes to better fit their current needs, the needs of loved one who may visit, or their future needs.

According to the American Housing Survey, of the more than 3,500,000 homes in the Chicago metropolitan region, less than 3% have significant accessibility features such as ramps while over 11% of households include a resident who uses a mobility device such as a wheelchair, crutches, cane, or walker. This amounts to a regional shortage of over 300,000 accessible homes. Longer life expectancies will contribute to a more rapidly growing older adult population, and greater home accessibility needs, in the foreseeable future. Many households in need of renovations for accessibility lack experience with this issue and have questions about design, construction, prices, and what funding resources are available.

How to Access and Share the Guidebook

Municipalities, nonprofits, homebuilders, contractors, and other organizations are encouraged to share the Accessible and Universal Home Remodeling guidebook with any household who may benefit from its guidance. Recognizing that costs are a major barrier for many, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and the Universal Design Institute created a complimentary Funding and Financing for Home Accessibility Modifications guide that summarizes available funding resources for households. In addition, a recorded training webinar summarizes the guidebook and available funding resources so that residents and municipalities have an additional educational resource.

Municipalities are welcome to post the guidebook, the complimentary funding guide, and training webinar on their websites and share these resources widely.