UPDATE 2/28/2022: We are saddened to report that it will not be possible to run a 2021-2022 GRCorps program. The GRCorps is unfortunately on hold until further notice. The future of the program is undetermined pending further action from the Serve Illinois Commission.
What is the GRCorps?
Across the Chicago Region, communities are voluntarily taking steps to become more sustainable and help make their communities attractive places to live and work. These steps are outlined in the consensus goals of the Greenest Region Compact (GRC), which helps to guide the 162 Greenest Region Compact communities who are working every day as stewards of the environment, community and local economic vitality.
The Greenest Region Corps (GRCorps) is a partnership between the Mayors Caucus and AmeriCorps that started in 2018 and pairs enthusiastic volunteers with GRC communities to lead local sustainability projects. It is partly funded by AmeriCorps and the Serve Illinois Commission. The GRCorps was created with an understanding of both limitations and opportunities that exist in the region. Communities in the region are already taking steps toward becoming more sustainable, but they would take even more action if they had the time and resources to do it. Fortunately, there are a lot of talented individuals from diverse backgrounds looking to serve their communities and help increase the sustainability footprint of local government in our region.
GRCorps members work directly for a GRC community on projects that result in greater environmental awareness and stewardship. Communities choose local projects that align with the goals of the GRC, and help further our region’s commitment to sustainability. GRCorps members provide critical service to many communities that do not have the capacity or resources to dedicate significant staff time to sustainability issues.
Members receive training and mentoring from technical experts at the USEPA Region 5 Office in Chicago and academic partners at the University of Illinois. Members additionally have the opportunity to connect with one another throughout their terms of service to share experiences and learn from one another’s projects. Members receive training in sustainability, environmental science and other topics that will benefit the host community while the GRCorps member is there working on projects. GRCorps Members receive a living allowance and are eligible for health insurance benefits. Upon successful completion of service, GRCorps Members are also eligible for an educational award directly from AmeriCorps.
Sustainability in Action
Since 2018, 30 GRCorps Members have served a population of nearly 6 million residents across 18 host sites in the Chicago region. Host sites have included municipalities, counties, and regional organizations.
During this time, Members have contributed over 45,000 volunteer hours towards improving the sustainability of Chicagoland communities. They have accomplished 820 unique GRC objectives across all 10 categories of the Greenest Region Compact, including Climate, Economic Development, Energy, Land, Leadership, Mobility, Municipal Operations, Sustainable Communities, Waste & Recycling, and Water. Projects have included sustainability and climate action plans, greenhouse gas inventories, policy research and recommendations, community outreach and engagement, and much more. To learn more about the accomplishments of the GRCorps, check out the following:
- GRCorps Accomplishments and Overview 2018-2021
- GRCorps Project Presentations 2021
- GRCorps Project Inventory 2018-2020
Where are GRCorps Alumni now?
After completion of their service year, 97% of GRCorps members have gone on to obtain full-time employment or higher education in their desired fields. See the numbers below:
- 50% of Alumni have obtained full-time sustainability positions in the public and private sector. Employers have included:
- The Citizens Utility Board
- The Metropolitan Energy Center
- Recycling Partnership
- The U.S. ACE Coalition
- Lakeshore Recycling Services
- EPS Environmental Services
- Friends of the Forest Preserves
- Rubicon
- and many more…
- 34% of Alumni have been accepted into a higher education institution in their desired fields, including public administration, public policy, urban planning, environmental science, and law. Higher education institutions have included:
- The University of Chicago Law School
- The Earth Institute at Columbia University
- Indiana University O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs
- George Washington University Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration
- Loyola University School of Environmental Science
- Illinois Institute of Technology Stuart School of Business
- Fordham University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
- Relay Graduate School of Education
- 28% of Alumni have continued in full-time positions in local, regional, or federal government, including 7 members that were hired directly by their host site after completing their service year. Government positions have included:
- The City of Waukegan, IL
- The City of Highland Park, IL
- The Village of Northbrook, IL
- The Village of Park Forest, IL
- The Village of Hawthorn Woods, IL
- The City of Hammond, IN
- The City and County of Honolulu, HI
- Kane County Government
- The Forest Preserves of Cook County
- DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference
- Rockford Region 1 Planning Council
- The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus
- The U.S. EPA
- 9% of members have pursued a second year of AmeriCorps.
Alumni Testimonials
“The connections I have made and the conversations I have participated in would not have happened without [this] program. For anyone just starting out in their career, or for anyone interested in building sustainable communities, it is a great starting point to catapult further into advancing a sustainability-related career.” Leslie Hernandez, GRCorps 2019-2020
“I would consider the GRCorps program to be a main reason for my success getting into top Public Policy graduate programs. My knowledge of local government, trainings I have received about sustainability, and the interactions I have had with sustainability professionals brought me pivotal skills for success in my career.” Daniel Gonzalez, GRCorps 2019-2020
“Being in the GRCorps has introduced me to a new place, new potential career paths, and countless new professional connections. I really feel like this program has given me a more powerful learning experience than almost anything else I can do.” Haley Crim, GRCorps 2019-2020
GRCorps Alum in the News
- Haley Crim (19-20): Reflections on COP26 from an Omega Delegate
- Maya Dutta (19-20): How Communities are Taking Action Against Climate Change and Steps Toward Environmental Justice
- Cheryl Watson (19-20): What Can Communities do About Lead in Drinking Water?
Newsletter Archive
August 2020: Final Thoughts from GRCorps Members 2019-2020