Share Your Commitment to the Environment With Residents

Saturday, June 5th, is World Environment Day, the United Nations day for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. This year’s theme is Ecosystem Restoration, which calls for urgent action to revive damaged ecosystems across the globe.

To celebrate World Environment Day, you may want to share your commitment to the environment with residents by using the below sample language on social media, on your website or in electronic newsletters.

June 5th marks World Environment Day 2021, which calls for urgent action to revive damaged ecosystems across the globe. As a Greenest Region Compact community, the Village/City of ______ supports this drive for ecosystem restoration by pitching in to help nature heal. 

 When nature thrives in our village/city, so do we. Thriving trees, woodlands, natural landscapes, wetlands, lakes and streams (choose appropriate), help clean the air and water, support wildlife, provide shade and oxygen to keep us healthy, and provide beauty and respite for our mental health. In our corner of the globe we help nature heal by: (Fill in your own actions. Here are some common ecosystem restoration actions to prompt you.)

  • Planting trees
  • Maintaining tree health by pruning parkway trees regularly
  • Avoiding the use of pesticides on municipal property
  • Maintaining a public rain garden, butterfly garden, outdoor classroom, natural area (choose appropriate)
  • Managing stormwater to prevent flooding and contamination of streams, rivers and lakes (choose appropriate)
  • Conserving open space like _____
  • Removing buckthorn and other invasive species from________
  • Adopting the Mayors Monarch Pledge

You may also download this sample language in Word document format.

Market Your Involvement in the GRC

When your community joined the Greenest Region Compact (GRC), we provided you with a GRC marketing toolkit to publicize your efforts in print, on your municipal webpage or in social media. If you haven’t already used the resources in the toolkit, you could also promote your involvement in the GRC for World Environment Day.

For Non-GRC Communities:

If your community has not yet adopted the GRC, then adopt the GRC by municipal resolution. A model municipal resolution is available in the “GRC Documents” section near the bottom of our Greenest Region Compact page.

Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region

If your community is looking for more sustainable actions to take to protect the environment, human health, and infrastructure in your municipality, then keep an eye out for the release of our 2021 Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region in the next month. We’ll be holding a launch event for the plan in mid-July and invite you to join us. The launch event registration information and further details will be sent in the near future.