Electric-gridWith one hour of time before Dec. 6th, municipal leaders have the chance to improve the energy efficiency of commercial buildings and residential housing, which will provide energy bill savings to residents and businesses.

America’s Model Energy Code, or the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), is being updated this year and has reached the final stage of the process: online voting through Dec. 6th before a new edition is published. Municipalities have an important role in how these codes deliver benefits for residents, communities, and the environment. The Energy-Efficient Codes Coalition (EECC) is leading a national campaign to engage municipal leaders in supporting energy efficiency improvements to America’s Model Energy Code, which the US Conference of Mayors endorsed.

Municipalities are needed to express support for updated energy efficiency codes. According to the EECC, with enough pro-efficiency votes between Nov. 18th and Dec. 6th:

  • Residential and commercial buildings constructed to the 2021 IECC will use at least 10% less energy.
  • Energy bill savings will quickly recoup incremental efficiency costs and then put thousands of dollars in the wallets of families and businesses.
  • Decreased energy demand will stabilize and reduce strain on power grids, which delays the need for new power plants.
  • America’s 2030 greenhouse gas emissions will be slashed by 50 million metric tons.
  • We’ll put America’s model energy code on a glide path to Net Zero by 2050 or sooner.

To save time when voting, please see the following EECC Voting Guides:

  1. Detailed EECC Voting Guides for Commercial and Residential, which include brief descriptions of each proposal
  2. For those with a very short time to vote, please use the Top Priority Voting Guide.

When you are ready to vote as a registered Governmental Member Voting Representative (GMVR) of the International Code Council (ICC), log in to cdpAccess.­ For assistance in voting at the cdpAccess and navigating the IECC proposals, follow these step-by-step instructions or watch a 5-minute video tutorial.

If you have trouble logging in to cdpAccess, reset your PIN in the same place as “reset password.” If you still have trouble, check with your Primary Representative who registered you to vote, to confirm that he/she used your correct email address when registering you as a GMVR. For additional assistance, call ICC’s Membership Services Department at (888) 422-7233.

If you have voting questions, please contact EECC@ase.org, call (720) 323-0142 or go to https://energyefficientcodes.org/.

The simple action of voting supports the Greenest Region Compact goals: “Use energy for buildings and facilities efficiently” and “Enact policies that support clean energy.” Thank you for your efforts to advance these important goals.