Working together, the Mayors Caucus led 45 of its member communities to earn SolSmart designation. While the opportunity to work together for designation has passed, municipalities may still go solo and earn SolSmart. These resources are available to help:
- The SolSmart program will continue to award designation and offer technical assistance to local governments. Complete a SolSmart enrollment form to begin and an advisor will be assigned to help.
- You may wish to review the SolSmart Program Guide here before you begin. (See tips in the Overview Presentation below.)
- Sign up for information about SolSmart programs and opportunities by subscribing to the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) newsletter. IREC and the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) lead the SolSmart program.
- View a one-hour webinar recording that provides an overview of the SolSmart program, how to achieve designation, and suggestions on what points communities in our area can earn. The Caucus and IREC (Interstate Renewable Energy Council) held this webinar on Aug. 11, 2021, with 11 communities that had expressed interest in earning the SolSmart designation. You may also want to view the webinar slides.
- View a National Solar Planning and Zoning Training webinar that the SolSmart team hosted in June 2024. This training provides strategies for incorporating solar into plans, ordinances, and development regulations.
The Caucus has compiled tips, examples and resources from the work of our two SolSmart cohorts that Greenest Region Compact communities can use to earn designations.
- To begin, see a simple overview of the designation process and strategies in this Overview Presentation.
- See what Caucus communities did to earn SolSmart designation in the 2018 cohort and the 2019 cohort.
- Adopting the Greenest Region Compact fulfills the prerequisite for enrollment. GRC Communities may adapt a model solar statement to include with their SolSmart enrollment form. Contact Cheryl Scott for this template at
- SolSmart does not require municipalities adopt a new solar ordinance. Instead, they will conduct a review of your community’s zoning code for you and recommend changes to support safe and suitable solar development. SolSmart offers options and awards points for varying levels of response to their recommendations.
- See examples of these Zoning Reviews that were
completed for Caucus members:
- The SolSmart program emphasizes clear municipal permitting and inspection processes, and transparency in sharing information about solar in the community. Caucus members created these solar landing pages, which may serve as a model for your community.
- Here are a few other SolSmart resources that may be useful:
- Updated SolSmart Program Overview – At our April 18, 2023, Environment Committee meeting, speakers from the Great Plains Institute (GPI) presented on the updated SolSmart program, which included information on the new platinum designation level.
- SolSmart 101 Webinar
- SolSmart two-page document overview – What is SolSmart? How SolSmart Helps Communities
- Solar Energy: SolSmart’s Toolkit for Local Governments
- SolSmart Best Practices in Solar Planning & Zoning Webinar
Return to the main Mayors Caucus SolSmart page.