Project Sidewalk: Addressing Mobility Barriers

Project Sidewalk is a free, online tool that helps address the lack of sidewalk information and allows users to label sidewalks and identify problems by virtually walking/rolling through city streets. The UIC Department of Disability and Human Development and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus are seeking municipalities interested in addressing accessibility barriers in their communities.

Workshop participants will have an opportunity to share their concerns about starting, funding, and implementing sidewalk improvements. Facilitators from UIC and MMC will provide participants with a brief overview of municipal requirements and responsibilities regarding accessibility in the public right of way, and help guide participants in a discussion on common barriers and potential solutions to developing infrastructure plans.

The University of Illinois at Chicago is conducting a research study to improve and evaluate sidewalk data collection and assessment techniques, such as by using crowdsourcing and artificial intelligence. We would like your input to help understand new ways our tools and the data collected can be used to plan for more accessible cities. See study workshop info sheet.

Date and Time: Thursday, March 9 at 1pm.

Target audience: municipalities

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