The following principles represent the core values of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and its 275 member Mayors which participate in the Caucus through the City of Chicago and nine suburban councils of governments (COGs).  These principles are the basis upon which the Caucus reaches consensus on the legislative priorities contained in this document.

Protect Municipal Revenues

Local governments have their own budget challenges to address and the State should never create added burdens by attempting to manage its budget on the backs of local governments.  The Mayors Caucus will strongly oppose any legislative proposals which try to erode local revenues.

Reject Unfunded Mandates

Unfunded and underfunded mandates are intrusive and costly.  They generally result in situations where local governments must either cut services or raise local taxes in order to pay for them.  The Mayors of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus are extremely concerned that the State will expand the use of mandates.  We strongly urge the General Assembly not to exercise this option without providing adequate funds to reimburse municipalities for any unfunded or underfunded mandates.  No mandates should be adopted which increase the costs of local governments serving their residents.

Preserve Local Authority and Home Rule

Increasing attempts are made every year it seems to restrict or eliminate the local decision-making authority of city councils and village or town boards.  This applies to both non-home rule and home rule units of government.  The Mayors of Metropolitan Mayors Caucus call on the Governor and the General Assembly to reject legislation that erodes local decision-making authority or overrides home rule authority.