
The Toolkit can be downloaded here: GRC Community Toolkit

Dear Greenest Region Compact Community,

Thank you for your support of the Greenest Region Compact (GRC) and the collaborative work you do to make our region more sustainable. Comprised of consensus goals and a companion framework, the GRC provides a platform from which municipalities can take action together to build a stronger, more vibrant region. The GRC has now been adopted by 162 Metropolitan Mayors Caucus communities. It is now the largest regional sustainability collaborative for municipalities in the United States.

To build on this momentum and better promote your efforts, we offer GRC Communities a communications toolkit. Please use the logo and toolkit to promote your sustainability work in your community.

The toolkit provides your community with a set of guiding tools that can help fully leverage your participation in the GRC and garner the attention you deserve for your commitment to sustainability work. Included in the toolkit are:

  • GRC logo and tagline, which can be used throughout your municipal communications to promote your participation in the GRC;
  • Sample long-form and short-form overview templates, which can be easily filled in and embedded into your website to provide cohesive messaging on your community’s commitment to the GRC and regional sustainability efforts. See sample web pages utilizing the logo and overview text;
  • Sample Facebook and Twitter posts, which can be used on your community’s social media accounts to promote your involvement in the GRC and your ongoing sustainability initiatives;
  • A “community story” template, which can be used to explain why your community adopted the GRC, and how it connects back to your community’s goals around sustainability. This template can be adapted to highlight your achievements;
  • Sample news release, which can be tailored to your community’s existing efforts and used to generate local press on your community’s commitment to sustainability;

You may also wish to list some of your community’s sustainability achievements, which can be tailored and integrated into any of the above tools. To obtain a personalized list of achievements, please contact Edith Makra, Director of Environmental Initiatives at

Even if you’ve been a GRC community for some time, use these tools to shine a light on the GRC; its powerful network of communities; and the great sustainability work you do. And of course, we want to hear about it! Whether you are updating the sustainability page of your website to include a story on GRC, or tweeting about your recent adoption of the GRC, make sure to tag us (@MayorsCaucus on Facebook and Twitter, Metropolitan Mayors Caucus on LinkedIn) or email us to let us know about it. Thank you and we look forward to moving together toward a more sustainable region.

Kevin Burns
Mayor, City of Geneva
Caucus Environment and Energy Committee Chairman