electric vehicle charging in Chicago at Navy Pier parking garageLocal governments are invited to participate in the Caucus’ new EV Readiness Program, which will prepare communities to meet the growing demand for EVs and EV charging infrastructure. Working in a collaborative fashion, EV Readiness cohort members will follow a pathway toward EV Ready Bronze, Silver, or Gold designation by completing several fundamental tasks presented in the newly refined EV Readiness Checklist.

With guidance and resources assembled by the Caucus’ EV Ready Team, municipal leaders will develop clear permitting for EV charging infrastructure, analyze zoning and parking codes to address barriers to EV infrastructure, engage the community, and participate in technical and safety training for staff. Municipalities may also tailor actions to suit the needs of their own community.

The Caucus will assemble two cohorts of municipalities to work collaboratively to earn the designation of “EV Ready Community.” There is no cost to participate, but applicant communities must have (or plan to) adopt the Greenest Region Compact and provide a letter of commitment agreeing to work toward EV readiness over a six- to nine-month timeframe.  The first cohort will kick off in early December. Applications are due November 16, 2022.

Powerful partnerships have helped the Caucus create the EV Readiness Program. More than 70 members of the EV Readiness Advisory Committee have contributed nearly 350 hours this year.  Approximately 260 stakeholders participated in 17 listening sessions in 2019-20 to lay the foundation for the EV Readiness Program. The Joyce Foundation provided early financial support, and ComEd is currently supporting the implementation of the EV Readiness Program.

The application, as well as other useful and timely information about EV/EV charging station funding opportunities, can be found at our newly updated EV Readiness Program webpage.

The Caucus looks forward to working collaboratively with communities to prepare our region for the great opportunities that transportation electrification brings.