Executive Actions on Immigration
A series of memos provide guidance for local municipalities in several key areas related to the executive actions on immigration.
A series of memos provide guidance for local municipalities in several key areas related to the executive actions on immigration.
The Center for Community Progress released a guide for municipalities on strategies for developing effective rental property policies and regulations.
Forum with wastewater and solar industry experts sparks efforts to bring photovoltaic energy systems to supply public wastewater facilities, the largest public sector energy user, with clean energy.
Please take our brief online survey by June 30.
April 7, 2015: Read the latest, more detailed version of the Governor’s Turnaround Agenda.
DCEO Boiler Efficiency Rebates are still available for projects completed in the Peoples Gas territory. Attend an event on April 7 to learn more.
A comprehensive study of municipal sustainability and priorities in contained in this report. It serves as the foundation for the Greenest Region Compact 2.
Click here to ready the testimony offered by the Mayors Caucus Board Secretary, Mayor Jim Holland of Frankfort
Municipalities can learn how to create their own housing policy plans with our new toolkit.
The proposed reduction of local government funds would cut the local share by $135 million in the City of Chicago alone.