Powering Safe Communities Grant Program Opens
The Powering Safe Communities Program funds electrification and [...]
The Powering Safe Communities Program funds electrification and [...]
2023 Powering Safe Communities [...]
Annual Powering Communities Grants Program provides grants of up to [...]
NOW OPEN: Housing Planning through Homes for a Changing [...]
The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus and Planning/Aging are proud to announce [...]
Area Mayors, including Robbins Mayor Tyrone Ward, become a [...]
Chicago Region's Mayors Ask Residents and Businesses to Unite to [...]
On September 9th, 2019, the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Executive Board established an Age-Friendly Communities Collaborative to help communities become age-friendly and dementia-friendly. The Age-Friendly Communities Collaborative is chaired by Mayor Cathy Adduci of River Forest.
The Greenest Region Corps is accepting applications to serve in [...]
Use the GRC Framework to assess your sustainability efforts and [...]