Please view the Caucus’ full bylaws document (in PDF format), or view by each section below.

Section 1. Name.

The name of this organization is the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus (hereinafter “Caucus”).

Section 2. Purpose.

The Caucus is a voluntary collaboration of the Mayors and Presidents of the suburban municipalities in the greater metropolitan region acting through their councils of governments, including the Mayor of the City of Chicago. Its purpose is to provide a forum through which Mayors/Presidents work cooperatively to develop consensus and act on public policy issues affecting the metropolitan region.

The Caucus is organized and shall at all times be operated exclusively for the improvement of local government through the City of Chicago and the suburban councils of governments and their member municipalities, by providing a forum and action strategy plan for the cooperative development of advocacy and action on public policy issues involving the Chicago metropolitan region, or any other purposes contemplated by Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

  • Consensus means the Directors presently serving as representatives on the councils of government and the City of Chicago unanimously agree on policy issues.
  • Board means Executive Board of the Mayors Caucus.
  • Membership means all mayors of the Northeastern Illinois region who are Caucus-participating COG members.
  • Northeastern Illinois region means Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will Counties.
  • Executive Director means the Executive Director of the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus.
  • Caucus means the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus.
  • Chair means the presiding officer of the Executive Board.
  • Mayors means the Mayor of a city or village and also means the President of a city or village.
  • Director means the primary or alternate mayoral representative from each Council of Governments as well as the Mayor of the City of Chicago.
  • COG means Council of Governments.
  • City means the City of Chicago.
  • Officers means the Chair, First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer of the Board
  • Rotation List means a list of COGS in order of representation. The COG will appoint the Director willing to serve as an Officer. The Rotation List should note the order in which the COGs have previously been represented by an Officer. The Rotation List will incorporate equitable geographic representation.

Section 1. Members.

The members of the Caucus represent the following: the City and the following COGs: DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, Lake County Municipal League, McHenry County Council of Governments, Metro West Council of Government, Northwest Municipal Conference, South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association, Southwest Conference of Mayors, West Central Municipal Conference and the Will County Governmental League (hereinafter “original participating COGs”). Each original participating COG selects one Mayor as a Director which is the Primary Director and one Mayor as the Alternate Director to the Executive Board. The Mayor of the City and his/her appointed Alternate Director shall serve on the Executive Board.

Section 2. Additional Membership.

Any additional membership of a COG shall be made by a unanimous vote of the Executive Board. Such additional COG shall select one Mayor as a Director which is the Primary Director and one Mayor as the Alternate Director to the Executive Board, and shall have the same rights as the original participating COGs.

The Caucus is governed by the Executive Board which consists of one Director from each of the approved COGs and the City.

Section 1. Officers.

The officers of the Caucus shall be the Chair, First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair of the Executive Board, a Secretary and a Treasurer. They shall be selected by the Executive Board from among its Directors. The Chair, First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair and Secretary shall hold that office for one year. The Treasurer’s term shall be for one year or until a successor is elected by the Executive Board, whichever is later. Their terms of office shall begin at the conclusion of the Executive Board’s November meeting. The Chair, First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair must be either a Mayor or President. The Chair, First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair shall not serve successive terms. Efforts will be made to elect a successor Chair, First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair from the Rotation List, whenever possible.

Section 2. Executive Board.

The Executive Board shall be comprised of the Directors, three of whom shall be selected as Chair, First Vice Chair and Second Vice Chair. The Mayor of Chicago may opt to appoint an Alternate to represent Chicago.  The participating COGs shall each appoint a Mayor or President as Director to represent their respective organizations. Directors shall hold office for one year. Their terms of office shall begin at the conclusion of the Executive Board’s November meeting.

In addition, the Mayor of Chicago and the participating COGs shall each appoint one Alternate Director. Alternate Directors for the participating COGs shall be a Mayor or President. The Alternate Directors shall represent their respective organizations in the event their Director is unable to attend an Executive Board meeting or function. Alternate Directors shall hold office for one year. Their terms of office shall begin at the conclusion of the Executive Board’s November meeting.

Section 3. Vacancies.

A vacancy in the office of the Chair shall be filled by the First Vice Chair. A vacancy in the office of First Vice Chair or Second Vice Chair shall be filled by a Director or Alternate Director elected by the Executive Board on an interim basis, until the end of the vacating First Vice Chair’s or Second Vice Chair’s term. A vacancy of a Director or Alternate Director shall be filled by the Mayor of Chicago, in the event the vacated position is the City’s representative to the Executive Board, or by the respective participating COG whose appointed incumbent has vacated office.

Vacancies shall be deemed to exist if the incumbent no longer holds an official position with his or her municipality, formally resigns his or her position with the Caucus, or the participating COG withdraws its Director or Alternate Director.

Section 4. Powers and Duties of the Chair.

The Chair shall preside over all meetings of the Caucus. The Chair may designate the First Vice Chair, Second Vice Chair, Secretary or a Director to act on his or her behalf.

Section 5. Powers and Duties of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board shall have general oversight of the Caucus’ operations, including approval of programs for Caucus meetings, approval of the annual budget, review of financial statements, and conduct the Executive Director’s annual performance evaluations.

Section 6. Powers and Duties of the Secretary and Treasurer.

The Secretary shall (a) be custodian of the corporate records of the Caucus; (b) record the minutes of the Executive Board and Caucus meetings; (c) see that all notices are duly given in accordance with these bylaws; and (d) perform all duties incident to the office of Secretary as from time to time may be assigned by the Executive Board. The Treasurer shall (a) sign with the Chair or Executive Director, as the case may be, any contracts or other instruments which the Executive Board has authorized to be executed, according to the requirements of the form of the instrument, except when a different mode of execution is prescribed by the Executive Board or these bylaws; (b) be responsible for the maintenance of adequate books of accounts for the Caucus; (c) oversee the receipt and disbursement of all funds of the Caucus; and (d) perform all duties incident to the office of Treasurer as from time to time may be assigned by the Executive Board.

Section 7. Executive Director.

The Executive Director shall be appointed by the Executive Board and holds office at the pleasure of the Executive Board. The Executive Director shall transact the necessary routine and financial business of the Caucus as may be determined by the membership. The Executive Director may not, under any circumstances, conduct the affairs of the Caucus so as to incur debt beyond its assets and revenues. The Executive Director shall refrain from any overt partisan political activity.

Section 1. Steering Committee.

The Executive Director, Directors of the participating COGs and a representative of the Mayor of Chicago shall serve as the members of the  Steering  Committee. The  Steering Committee shall provide general oversight of the Caucus’ operations and prepare recommendations to the Executive Board, including programs for Caucus meetings.

Section 2. Committees and Task Forces.

The Executive Board may from time to time, create committees or task forces, the duties, responsibilities, size and leadership of which shall be determined by the Executive Board. Chicago and each participating COG will have the opportunity to designate their representative(s) to each committee or task force. Committees and Task Forces shall make recommendations to the Executive Board for any actions. A solicitation of Committee and Task Forces membership will be sent to the Membership of the organization on an annual basis.

Section 1. Caucus Meetings.

The Membership shall meet at least three times a year. The time, place and program shall be recommended by the Executive Director and approved by the Executive Board. Special meetings of the Membership may be called by the Executive Board after reasonable notice.

Section 2. Executive Board Meetings.

The Executive Board shall meet monthly with the flexibility to have the meetings cancelled by the Chair and the Officers. Special meetings may be called by the Chair with the consent of the Officers.

Section 3. Consensus-Based Decision Making.

As a collaborative body that brings together Mayors and Presidents from throughout the Northeastern Illinois region to address issues of mutual concern, the Caucus’ decision making process shall be Consensus-based, as defined in Article II, for any positions which are taken by the Caucus as a whole.

Section 1. Fiscal Year.

The fiscal year of the Caucus shall be from September 1 to August 31, inclusive.

Section 2. Annual Budget.

The annual budget shall be prepared by the Executive Director under the direction of the Executive Board. The budget will be approved by the Executive Board.

Section 3. Fees.

Membership fees will be determined by the Executive Board based on recommendation from the Executive Director..

Section 4. Annual Audit.

An annual audit shall be made of the financial affairs of the Caucus by a certified public accountant designated or approved by the Executive Board.

Amendments to these bylaws may be proposed by any Director or the Executive Director. Having determined that a Quorum is present, these bylaws may be repealed or amended at any Executive Board meeting with proper notice. Notice of proposed amendments shall be delivered or electronically communicated to the participating COGs and the Mayor of the City not less than thirty (30) days prior to the meeting at which the amendments will be presented. To be approved, a proposed amendment must receive a unanimous vote of the Directors present at the Executive Board Meeting.

Section 1.

Except as provided in these bylaws, and such official rules and procedures for the conduct of meetings as may be adopted by the Executive Board, Robert’s Rules of Order Revised shall prevail on parliamentary procedure.

No part of the net earnings of the Caucus shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its directors, officers, or other private persons, except that the Caucus shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in these bylaws. Notwithstanding any other provision of these bylaws, the Caucus shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by a corporation, contributions to which are deductible under Section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

The Caucus is not organized for profit or organized to engage in an activity ordinarily carried on for profit. The Caucus will always be primarily engaged in activities or functions that are the basis for its exemption under Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The Caucus will be primarily supported by membership dues or other income from activities substantially related to its exempt purposes as described in these bylaws.

Upon dissolution or liquidation of the Caucus, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a court of competent jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the Caucus is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations as said court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by the Internal Revenue Code, assets shall be distributed to the Membership.