Our newly released Climate Action Plan for the Chicago Region (CAP) identifies opportunities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by driving less and walking, biking, and using transit more.

We are fortunate to be able to partner with the Metropolitan Planning Council and the Active Transportation Alliance to begin to address the important CAP objective, “Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled.” Together, we are offering a series of webinars and events, “Taking Climate Action by Prioritizing Walking, Biking, and Transit,” to provide ideas and resources to help municipalities achieve this objective.

The first event, “Perspectives on Planning: A Webinar on Developing Community Bicycle/Pedestrian Plans,” will be April 28th from noon-1 p.m. The Active Transportation Alliance will present an overview of bike/pedestrian plans, and the Villages of Niles and Richton Park will discuss their challenges and successes with municipal bike and pedestrian planning. Strategies to mitigate climate change by prioritizing walking, biking, and transit are sensible and popular. Learn how to get started with planning at this informative webinar:

Perspectives on Planning: A Webinar on Developing Community Bicycle/Pedestrian Plans 
Date: Thursday, April 28, 2022
Time: Noon to 1 p.m. CT
Register: Please register in advance for the Zoom webinar here.


Related Grant Opportunity

If you have plans for biking and walking infrastructure already, your community may be eligible for implementation funding through the RTA Access to Transit grant program. Grants are available for small-scale capital projects that improve access to the regional transit system for pedestrians and bicyclists. Applicant communities must be served by either Metra, Pace, or the CTA. Applications are due May 20, 2022.


Related GRC goal and strategy:
Support safe and effective active transportation. M1: Identify gaps in the pedestrian and the bicycle networks and barriers to active modes of travel. M2: Create a bicycle and pedestrian plan to improve connectivity in the community and beyond.
Reduce vehicle miles traveled.