15 May 2017 Meeting Agenda
Topic: Energy Policy
Location: Moraine Valley Community College 9000 College Pkwy, M Building, Palos Hills, IL 60465

The May Environment Committee meeting will focus on state and local energy policy.   Implementation of the Future Energy Jobs Act,  Public Act 099-0906  will make sweeping changes in current energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. Improved investments in renewable energy, especially solar energy, are proposed.  Low-income communities are expected to benefit from enhanced energy efficiency programs.  Plans are being prepared for these changes and the rule-making steps are coming up quickly.

Please join us for in-depth energy presentations by Mark Pruitt, the new energy advisor to the Caucus, and Alexis Cain, US EPA.  Along with the new Energy Subcommittee, they will participate in a discussion of how this new policy will likely impact municipalities. We will also discuss local policies including franchise agreements and solar codes.

All municipal staff and elected officials are invited.